What is the goal of humanity? 
This profound question continues to challenge some of the greatest minds. Some propose it is the expansion of life to other planets, others believe it is about achieving immortality and conquering death, while still others suggest it is about transcending humanity. 
Here is a personal perspective that aligns with many historical traditions, (which I will not name here):
 The pursuit of extending life to other planets or conquering death, in my view, stems from fear. Humanity has yet to answer the question of what happens after death, and this uncertainty frightens us. To cope, we create various narratives to justify our ambitions. However, I believe the ultimate goal would not be focusing on these pursuits themselves but rather removing the underlying fear and, along with it, all forms of resistance and attachment...globally. 
Psychologically, we all carry significant baggage from the past. Some of us are fortunate enough to heal the major wounds through therapy or other methods. But what would happen if we could remove most, if not all, of these psychological "knots"? The human psyche, when freed of these burdens, would experience what I believe to be the ultimate freedom. 
The collective weight of these psychological knots gives rise to the “I,” the “me,” or the ego as we know it. Now imagine a state where the “I” thought no longer exists. At first glance, it might seem like a dull, void, or zombie-like state, but in reality, it is a state of boundlessness, timelessness, and profound unity. 
Many of us have glimpsed this state occasionally. But imagine existing in such a state consistently. In this highly unifying state, there is "no perceived difference between the self and the other". This “ego-death” could lead to a deeply unified humanity—if, and only if, a significant majority of the human population reaches this realization. I believe this unity is the ultimate goal of humanity. 
A common concern is that a society of highly satisfied individuals would lack progress, development, or motivation to work. On the contrary, such a society would be profoundly creative and innovative. With AI now collaborating closely with humanity, the highest forms of creativity and collaboration are emerging from inspirations closest to the source. 
Yes, this "Unification" movement is already happening across the world, but global alignment remains elusive due to individual and group interests. 
I believe the hallmark of a highly evolved human is to consider the world as a single organism, without an idea of a self (no self at all!), and yet witnessing the actions of an individual body. If we were to plot a graph of “Psychological Separateness,” it might start at zero division during birth, increase through childhood and adulthood, then decrease through healing, and the lucky few reach zero division once more within their lifetime. (image above)
To conclude, I believe the ultimate goal of humanity is the removal of psychological division—or rather "Unification". 
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