Project Numaverse involves a series of investigations into the deeper realms of the mind. Using art and technology, I aim to study the subconscious and uncover its processes, connections and possibilities. The project is ongoing and consists of multiple chapters:
Chapter 1 : Connections (2021-2022)
Chapter 1 involves investigating the connections of subconscious images with real-life events. The process involves going into a hypnagogic state via meditation, "seeing" an image from the subconscious and then using text to prompt an image-generation AI model to generate the corresponding image. This image is then studied for real-world connections.
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Chapter 2: Dreamcatcher (2022-2023)
The second chapter of Numaverse called dreamcatcher uses hypnagogic imagery and brainwaves to create a 3D sculpture. This is then used to study phenomena like synchronicity.
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Chapter 3: Oneiroglossa (2023-2024)

Oneiroglossa studies the process of creation of images using Jungian principles and other dream-interpretation traditions. The study also evolves into investigating the processes of the subconscious, aiming towards an artistic representation of consciousness.
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